video: Melanija Pović Jagarinec
postproduction: Miran Krčadinac
It started with a journey to Mauritania, went on around France, pottered around my Zagreb quotidian, a photographic diary with no date, no rationalisation of feelings and no order. Undisciplined and inconsistent. Incomplete, with outbursts of rapid thoughts, fictional dialogues and commentaries in which I invoke favourite Greek heroes and gods. And when they got involved in the work, it was even more impossible to put the accumulated photographic archive in order, bring it to a conclusion. As always, thus in this work too, photographic material is used as visual and technical support upon which I shall, a hundred, two hundred, times attempt to start commence some story of my own.
Produced on locations in Mauritania, France and Zagreb in the period from 2019 to 2021
Author: Amela Frankl
Text: Ivana Mance
Photographs for catalogue Fotoatelijer MUO, V.Benović
Translation: Graham McMaster
The exhibition is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia
Text Ivana Mance The Diary of Amela Frankl
Video rada u MUO Zagreb: Melanija Pović Jagarinec, Montaža: Miran Krčadinac